Testimonials About Wood Artist

Read testimonials and clients’ reviews about wood artist Alexandre Daufin and his mandalas. To submit a review, please go to the bottom of the page.

J'ai fait appel à Alex pour offrir un cadeau à ma meilleure amie smle logo de sa belle petite entreprise. Quel travail magnifique il a fait. Elle a été ravie et moi j'étais contente qu'Alex ait pu retranscrire exactement son logo juste sur la base d'une photo.

I called on Alex to give a gift to my best friend logo of her beautiful little business. What a wonderful job he did. She was thrilled and I was happy that Alex was able to transcribe her logo exactly just from a photo.


Le mandalight qui trône dans ma pièce de vie, crée un cocon, c'est mon totem lumineux de paix il m'apporte vraiment de bonnes vibes! Les créations qu'Alex a récemment faites apporteront de belles lumières et un bonne energie aux bébés pour qui elles ont été sculptées ainsi qu'à leurs parents. D'autres se répandront encore, ses créations sont des objets-amis fort jolis, et des outils pour un quotidien plus serein. ❤️

The mandala that sits in my living room, creates a cocoon, it is my luminous totem of peace it really brings me good vibes! Alex's recent creations will bring beautiful light and energy to the babies for whom they were carved as well as their parents. Others will spread, his creations are very nice friend-objects, and tools for a more serene everyday life.


As soon as I saw Alex's work it was love at first sight. Though I had to wait a whilte before I could order a flower of life - it was worth the wait. My flower of life is so so beautiful and it gives me joy every day. It was made with so much love which makes it that much more special. So much gratitude to Alex for sharing his gift with me.


J’ai demandé à Alexandre de me créer un dragon Shri Yantra et je suis en admiration devant son travail de très haute qualité: découpes fines, équilibre parfait des proportions. On sent que le créateur y met tout son cœur 💖. Alexandre est très généreux et à l’écoute. Je recommande ses travaux sans aucunes hésitations.

I asked Alexandre to create a Shri Yantra dragon for me and I am in awe of his very high quality work: fine cuts, perfect balance of proportions. You can feel that the designer puts his heart into it 💖. Alexandre is very generous and attentive. I recommend his work without any hesitation.


Je suis très contente d’avoir fait réaliser une tête de lit avec un motif «sur mesure», le rendu est juste magnifique. Une belle personne qui réalise de belles choses.

I am very happy to have had a wooden headboard made with a "custom" design, the result is just beautiful. A beautiful person who makes beautiful things.


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